Par Pascal Picq
Once upon the time on Earth, all human societies were hunter-gatherer societies. Then, for many reaseons not completly understood, different societies invented agricultures in different parts of the world about 10.000 years ago (Neolithic age). Among them, arose several great civilisations – the axial age – which religion and philosophical traditions are still proeminent in our modern societies ; it was during the first millenary B.C.. More recently, the occidental Europe undertook the scientific and technological revolution starting with the Renaissance and developping its power through the Industrial Revolution.
According to this historical process, the dominant cultures conceived a vertical and universal pattern of the human evolution with the industrial and occidental countries on the top called Progress. It was a strong belief and ideology until the end of the XXth century. But meanwhile, another process was on the way : the digital revolution. In the course of only two decades of our third millenary, all human populations became connected, almost anybody in the world has an instantaneous access to anybody else on earth and, also, has access to informations, goods, services, banking, knowledges, teaching, culture … The planet of the humans is flat again and we are on the merge of an unexpected anthropological revolution worlwide : the digital age.
However, beyond the transhumanist utopia, what we call the Digital Darwinian Space and Digital darwinism remind us that we are still concerned by universal patterns of evolution. The same year 1859, Charles Darwin published « The Origin of Species by Mean of natural Selection » and a solar electro-magnetic storm – the Carrington event – destroyed part of the emerging electrical networks. It happened again in 2012. Fortunately, the electro-magnetic storm missed the Earth by only nine days ; the year of the explosion of the New AI. We really have to understand what is evolution if we don’t want to be the digital dinosaurs of the future.
Commercial exchanges are always in the core of human relationships since more than one million years. Banking represents the modern means of developing our societies since the Renaissance ; and banking has to evolved to stimulate and to cope with the rapid pace of change of our societies. Nowadays, econmical evolutions occur worldwide (World Economical Forum). Almost everywhere on earth along with different anthropological traditions are emerging a diversity of banking offers in the open digital space. It represents a fascinating anthropolgical challenge since we are entering in the age of a massive economical and personnal approach of business. Human relationships and digital modeling of clients – human councelors and machines – become the key factors of the future of banking in an entrepreneurial worldwide civilisation.
Key words : personnal banking ; entrepreneurship, ecosystemic challenges ; numerical banking and money ; share values system (social and environmental concerns …) ; numerical capitalism …
Pascal PICQ L’Intelligence artificielle et les Chimpanzés du Futur Odile Jacob 2019.
Pascal PICQ Sapiens face à Sapiens Flammarion 2019.